10th Anniversary Spotlight: NSBC Happy Hats

Happy Hats Donation

Operation Shower Product Donor

Interview with Shirley McCrory, Ministry Leader of NSBC Happy Hats

Happy Hats Gift

How long have you/has your company been supporting Operation Shower?

7 Years

What does giving back to military families through Operation Shower mean to you/your company?

No words can adequately describe what partnering with Operation Shower has meant to the ladies of the Happy Hats Ministry. We make little red, white and blue infant hats and send them to Operation Shower to be gifted to a military mom. Each hat is prayed over several times, so it is covered in prayers and our desire is that each baby and family will feel they are loved and, as that little hat is placed on their precious little one’s head, they feel that special love not only from the Happy Hatter who made the hat but also from above. It seems like such a small thing for us, but when we receive a thank you from a mom, it brings us to tears to know that in some small way we have been a part of showing our military they are loved and appreciated.

If you could say one thing to the military families we serve, what would it be?

We love you and pray God will continue to protect you and bless you for the sacrifices you make each day to keep America the great country it is.

How can we serve you better?

I can’t think of anything in addition that Operation Shower could do. We are just so happy to be partners!

Additional Comments:

What a blessing Operation Shower is to so many. As a group that has been involved with Operation Shower for several years, our hearts have been filled. We love our military and are so honored and humbled by the opportunity to show them how much we love and appreciate them by partnering with Operation Shower. What a wonderful organization Operation Shower is. Happy Hats is looking forward to many more years of putting smiles on military moms faces (and tears in our eyes.)  

Happy Hats

Which showers have you attended?

Fort Hood, Killeen, TX (3); Jacksonville, FL (1); San Antonio, TX (1)

Do you have a favorite memory to share about your work with Operation Shower? If so, please share!

At one of the Ft. Hood showers, several moms wanted to meet the group that made the little red, white and blue hat to thank us. Thank us? Really — it is us who is thankful for them. And, at that same shower, one mom was crying and was overheard saying “I thought I was going to receive diapers and wipes.” This was after she received her Shower in a Box and the other gifts. She was overwhelmed and so touched (and so were we.)

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