Once upon a time…
in a land known as Florida, there lived twenty-four beautiful moms-to-be. These moms weren’t just any ordinary moms you may encounter. These moms had something very special. Each of them dreamed of one day attending the most extraordinary celebration in their honor. They would arrive at an enchanted castle, the PGA National Resort & Spa, where they’d soon be whisked away to a secret location set high above the treetops. Upon entering their magical tent in the clouds, they would notice the most elaborate decorations, sweet-smelling flowers, and tabletops draped in fine linens. Before long a lovely new friend would appear and escort her to her throne for the day. There, she would enjoy music, unbelievable surprises, and delicious treats. At the end of the day, she would bid farewell to her new friends, and ride off into the sunset to live happily ever after.
As the song goes, “The dreams that you dare to dream really do come true.” Luckily, this dream became a reality thanks to our Fairy Godmothers…I mean… our Presenting Sponsor, Milan Homes, with support from Ten23 Designs, The Honda Classic, and Birdies for the Brave.
Dream Big, Baby!
Adding another element of joy was our emcee for the day, Maggie Streb, wife of PGA Tour Player Robert Streb. Ken Kennerly, Executive Director of the Honda Classic, kicked-off the day’s festivities and Kenny G. even stopped by to say hello. During the shower, our guests of honor also got to hear from Mrs. Barbara Nicklaus, wife of one of golf’s greatest players of all time, Jack Nicklaus. Barbara gave each mom a Golden Plush Bear from the Nicklaus Foundation and left us with this reminder:
“So, all I can say to you, special gals, is be 100% supportive through thick and thin and always have a dream. In fact, be led by your dreams, not pushed by your problems.”

Nursery Rhyme Match-up
For this storybook-themed shower, moms took part in what became a heated competition to see who could properly recite the most nursery rhymes. This game was much harder than you might expect but with some awesome prizes on the line, these mama’s were in it to win it. Upon arrival, moms received their own storybooks which they could fill with their own stories to share with their little someday.
Plot Twist!
Because every good story involves a plot twist, we made sure to include plenty of exciting surprises. In addition to the shower in a box, each mom also received a generous supply of diapers and wipes from our friends at the Cotton Bottom Diaper Bank. Moms also received Carousel Designs gift cards, Playtex Baby gift sets, and Infant Optics video baby monitors. As if being our Presenting Sponsor wasn’t generous enough, Milan Homes also sent each mom home with a brand new Tory Burch tote bag, which came in super handy for helping to tote all of their goodies home.
With Gratitude
Like all fairytales, this story must come to an end. Before we wrap this up, we want to thank the amazing vendors, donors, and volunteers who helped make our 2nd shower at the Honda Classic such a dream-come-true:
- Caterer – Spectrum Concessions
- Dessert Vendors – The Princess Baker (Cake), Ingredient Love Cookie Co. (Cookies), Anna Shea Chocolates (Candy)
- Dessert Table Design- The Creative Heart Studio, Ten 23 Designs
- DJ – Sound Event DJ’s
- Graphics – Paper and Cake
- Videographer – Key Moment Films
- Photographer – Modern Image by Candy
- Photobooth – Dipp Photobooth

Special thanks to the ladies of the CouTOURe Club, and to all of our terrific volunteers who helped to make this event so unforgettable for the military families in attendance!
Don’t miss the highlight video by Key Moment Films and be sure to check out the full photo album captured by Modern Image by Candy.
The End.